Sunday, December 13, 2009

Girl Giving Wedgies Would Girls Be Mad If A Guy Gives Them A Wedgie If The Girl Likes Wedgies.?

Would girls be mad if a guy gives them a wedgie if the girl likes wedgies.? - girl giving wedgies

Therefore, I have a few friends of women, in fact, most male friends. And I go with them a little. Now it's funny because it looks like in the song Sunday to give each other very much. Not only small earthquakes, but as a Full Blown wedgie of all kinds. It's all in good fun, and you can tell who to enjoy.

Anyway, I've never taken part, but I can say that they are sometimes, they try to wedgie me or tell me to come to their aid. I try to stay away from him because they do not want you angry with me, but I'm beginning to think I could too.

So what are your thoughts? Are you good, if like the girls wedgie and everybody knows it just for fun or not?

Yeah ... I have some strange bedfellows. =)
Or is that weird?

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