Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Alt Codes Msn What Program/software Controls Alt Codes Showing Up?

What program/software controls alt codes showing up? - alt codes msn

Now you see the problem I face with Windows Live Messenger. I do not know old code. They only appear as squares. I downloaded Flash, Shockwave and Java. I have the latest version of Windows Live and completely updated my model (the new).

The irritating me, because in my old laptop I could see the icons (as I first). So friend A. Friend B and C may not be able friend. Neither is my new computer.

I wish only to observe that not include the issue of the symbols. Like the heart, club, small crosses, etc., was used to seem.

That is why I am asking people to Yahoo! The answers to help me, which I download it and see the heart of my freaking MSN may have.

Thanks in advance!

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