Monday, January 18, 2010

Pics Of Girls With Brazilian Wax Why Are Girls Taking Stupid Pics Of Themselves With No Clothes On?

Why are girls taking stupid pics of themselves with no clothes on? - pics of girls with brazilian wax

OK in the last few years I have noticed that girls are stupid pictures of others without white clothes or bathing in the toilet and god knows what else to take.

Why do they do that? Do not feel ashamed of themselves if your family sees it?

What do you think?


FOAMY! said...

To take a girls and women to prostitutes to today and many of them do not care about the outcome. The television and celebrities have a lot to do, and of course, is totally inadequate parental education, and his colleagues (Monkey See, Monkey Do Theory)

FOAMY! said...

To take a girls and women to prostitutes to today and many of them do not care about the outcome. The television and celebrities have a lot to do, and of course, is totally inadequate parental education, and his colleagues (Monkey See, Monkey Do Theory)

Trout said...

Yes that's true

Because Adam and Eve were naked - until they open their eyes

And she knew "right from wrong" - "Here they are like gods - good and evil (conscience?) So let's cut the tree of life, so he gives his hand and become immortal - - good - and I knew that they were naked - and decided that it is evil and God said, he put his clothes and leave

Accept that you have - at first they were naked, and it was not so bad - and only 2 of them do not get to know better

As soon as you thought it was wrong and shame (emotions) God has placed at the door - to recognize and assign a value to it

God created the nude - nibly that among all

And somehow the knowledge that they are ashamed?


So, these girls here are pictures of themselves and know no better - it's bad?

But you see the shame and exploitation in their fuTURE --

Are you sure you want to make this assumption, and "know" that?

MEOW said...

Well, here is instead something more palatable to you, the pictures of naked girls stupid.

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